Homestay Application Checklist

Sorry, You do not meet our requirements.


Unfortunately, your answer has lead us to believe that you do not meet our minimum requirements to become a host family with us.

Our Requirements are as follows;

You must OWN your place of residence

We require all of our host families to be the owners of the residence. Owners are required to have a home owners insurance. We have found through our experience that owners do not move as often as renters, therefor we have made the decision to only accept home owners.

You must live in a House, Townhouse or Duplex

The image that students have when coming abroad, is staying in a “house”, not a condo or apartment. We therefor do not accept condos or apartments at this time.

You must live within the translink zone 2 area

Majority ( 99.9% ) of our students will start off by attending an English Language School in Downtown Vancouver. The high cost of a 3 zone monthly pass and commuting for over an hour is not suitable for our students.

Your family must consist of 2 or more people

We require the “families” to be of 2 or more members.



We do not allow any exceptions to any of these rules.


Don’t let this discourage you from homestays, other agencies may have different policies. Try contacting your district school board.